What is the Synod of Mid-America?

The word "synod" comes from the Greek "σύνοδος" (synodos) meaning "assembly" or "meeting", and it is synonymous with the Latin word "concilium" meaning "council".

The Synod of Mid-America consists of six presbyteries, their 355 congregations, and some 36,462 members. At its March 23, 2023, stated meeting the assembly of the Synod of Mid-America (SoMA) adopted new statements of its mission, vision and values:


The Synod of Mid-America (SoMA) is a council of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), a community of presbyteries and their congregations and members, working in covenant together to bring to life the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ in Kansas, Missouri, and south-central Illinois.


To bring followers of Christ into “a community of faith, hope, love, and witness” (Book of Order, G-3.0401).


The SoMA embraces the values of spirituality, love, adaptability, integrity, and intelligence in all its work.

Missional Priorities for 2025

At its October 2024 meeting, the synod assembly adopted these goals and objectives as its missional priorities for 2025.

  1. Through building partnerships with Presbyteries, other Synods, and organizations, create transformational initiatives that strengthen resiliency and support of all pastoral leaders.

  2. Identify and disseminate existing benchmark programs and develop programming where necessary to fulfill being a Matthew 25 Synod.

  3. Provide funding and resourcing to strengthen engagement in ministry with youth and young adults throughout the Synod.

  4. Engage in innovative ministries, broadly communicating results to increase connection and expand adaptive leadership, as together we faithfully discern the movement of the Spirit inspiring our life together.

  5. Connect the Synod with presbyteries and congregations through increased face-to-face, remote interactions, and increased communication to promote better understanding of our common ministry both locally and beyond.