Nurturing Pastors

Perhaps the most tangible way the SoMA supports its presbyteries is by providing support and education for their pastoral leaders. In this era of change and transition, strong leadership is a vital component to the vitality of any congregation.

Currently, the SoMA provides two different experiences and programs for pastoral leaders:

  • Transitional Ministry Education  - Sometimes a pastor's sense of call changes, and she finds herself craving new skills and new challenges. Often, that call leads her to transitional/interim ministry. This program known as MALT, conducted jointly with the Synod of Lincoln Trails, the SoMA helps pastors gain the valuable skills they need to effectively serve congregations in transition.

  • Theocademy - Every pastor and educator has needs for high quality, affordable, easy to use educational materials. Theocademy is a program that provides video based curriculum for these leaders. Current offerings: Confirmation, New Member Education, Training for Deacons and Ruling Elders.